Our History



In central Italy, in the heart of the city of Fermo, a refined and comfortable place.

The B & B "A PALAZZO" is located in an elegant historical building of 1700 inhabited by the Counts Bernetti Evangelista; each room has its own personality, each corner is preserved in its stylistic and architectural content, the elegant design of the furnishings along with the

frescoed ceilings of the rooms creates a perfect balance between ancient and modern.

The Bed and Breakfast "A PALAZZO" is hospitality thanks to the friendliness and efficiency of its staff, it is elegance thanks to a fine and harmonious furniture, it is comfort thanks to the services it offers.


Our History

In the eastern part of Fermo, just below Piazza del Popolo, opposite the San Martino Congress Center, it is located in the homonymous largo, the Evangelista Palace.

The origins are not known except that it was built in two separate times, the first in the first part of the 1700s, the second at least a century later. The two bodies are well harmonized with a large central courtyard.

Made of bricks, embellished with inlets and cornices, it presents a very valuable entrance portal on the Largo Evangelista in Istria stone. The palace has always been the residence of the Conti Bernetti Evangelista.

On the second floor of the noble building is located the Bed and Breakfast

Very ancient are the origins of Fermo, medieval city, located on the slopes of the Sabulo hill, was the station of Villanovan peoples and picene from the early Iron Age and pre-Roman city. Florida at the time of Rome, so as to deserve the title of "Firmum signature fides romanorum colony", around the middle of 1500 Pope Sixtus V gave impulse to the ancient Anocora University present today and elevated the episcopal see and the Cathedral to the dignity of the Metro (Duomo).

There are many monumental and archival assets, including the splendid Piazza del Popolo, the Duomo and the precious art gallery that boasts important paintings from the Venetian school, the Marches and an Adoration of the Rubens Pastors (1608); the Roman cisterns of the Augustan age certainly arouse great charm.